On the morning of October 7th, 2024 while nearing the end of my journey to work I met a traffic Jam on the M3. To set the scene, there are 3 lanes of traffic and a sliproad which I use to bring me to Damastown. On the morning it was slow moving traffic and me sitting on the lane leading to the slip road waiting for traffic to move when I felt a sudden jolt to my car, it was a truck that had changed lane and struck my car (images below). Shocked I exited my car and met the driver of the truck who was extremely apologetic. He admitted liability and informed me he wanted to move into my lane and a car behind me had flashed him to signal he was clear to change lane. I did not see this car nor its flashing lights.
The driver then rang his boss while I took photos of the damage to my car and also the front of the truck which showed no visible damage. The driver of the truck gave me his company details and I rang them as soon as I got to work, I was informed that their accountant would ring me to discuss things further. Later I received a phonecall from the accountant who asked me to submit photos of the damage which she would then send on to their insurance company. I did as requested and also CC'd the email to my insurance company.
Fast-forward 3 weeks at which point I sent a second email asking for an update. I was informed they had filled out an incident form and returned it to their insurance company. I then received a call from RSA Insurance who asked me to bring the car to one of their authorised repair centres in Mullingar. I did as requested and a guy took pictures of the damage and sent a quote for repair to RSA insurance.
Three days later I got a call from an RSA agent who informed me that they would not be repairing my car as the cost of repairs would be between €5,300 and €5,800 Euro, so an insurance write off.
Shocked I asked him could he send me over this information via email, he declined and said its on a different system so I cant email it to you. He said somebody would be in contact with me... I'm still waiting.
The car cost me €5,000 only 3 months ago and now I am in a sitiuation where I am not sure what to do next, do I contact a solicitor and see if I can sue the truck company as in my opinion the driver was negligent and clearly did not look in his mirror (the one that looks down into the drivers blind spot).
Any thoughts are appreciated.